sorry about the lack of posts - i have been a bit busy. went to richard and dan's last night and had good times and tasty lemon soup. before that, i went on a rather lengthy work trip - highlight was probably fried chicken for breakfast at roberta's in brooklyn with petey, laura and bobby. anyway, among all this non-culinary activity i have been developing a new saturday pursuit - butter making. here is a grainy, out of focus guide to the process.
step 1 - ferment. i like cultured butter because of the tang, so start by mixing cream and yoghurt and letting it get lively for a few days on the worktop - it ends up like a slightly out of shape creme fraiche:
step 2 - agitate. i am currently too unfit to do this by hand so am using an electric whisk thing. in the end it sort of separates into lumps and whey.
step 3 - washing. squeeze the lumpy bits in cheese cloth until all the butter milk comes out. then kneed it in fresh water a few times until the water stays clear. add salt and press out all the liquid one last time.
the finished butter is rather good - i think i am probably fermenting longer than most commercially available butter and this is much to my taste.
step 1 - ferment. i like cultured butter because of the tang, so start by mixing cream and yoghurt and letting it get lively for a few days on the worktop - it ends up like a slightly out of shape creme fraiche:
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