a quick scroll down the recent history of this blog reveals that i have been uncharacteristically silent on the question of barker vs corus. though some might argue that i am aping a greater authority in my legal discussions, again a coincidence in time of my reading and listening lead me to recommend a radio program which name checks both the aforementioned house of lords decision along with the immortal fairchild (though it is sadly silent on the more technically delicate bolton council* case). pats on the back all round, i say.
hank poulson gets the treasury. what gives. once again the present american administration acts in a way entirely in line with precedence.
* i haven't seen this sight before and it looks rather good. if any of you would like to come and whisper it in my ear when i am otherwise idle you would be most welcome.
hank poulson gets the treasury. what gives. once again the present american administration acts in a way entirely in line with precedence.
* i haven't seen this sight before and it looks rather good. if any of you would like to come and whisper it in my ear when i am otherwise idle you would be most welcome.
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