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Thursday, January 04, 2007

hullo from the sunny though slightly perplexing city of madrid. it is very picturesque, but i wish i had done a little research and burshed up on my spanish before arrival. for some unknown reason i am mostly speaking italian rather than spanish which confuses everyone. i guess it is not helped by the fact that most of my attempts at conversatuion occour late at night (and also in the local geenwich village equivalent - but that is the story of an alternative-reality post all thogether). i am having a lovely time reading against the day, drinking dodgy coffee and eating jamon. i should lijke top reproduce an entire song (the gottingen rag) from the book, but for fear of lawsuits (this blog is not run by a nevis shell company) i content myself with:

Felix-Klein - don´t cha pay-no-mind to
the rent or the house-key (say
Howdy there, Hilbert! pleased to
meetcha Minkowski!)

i have also recently spent a pleasent, through wet, few days in wales. if there had been more port available i have no doubt that at least one of the party would have contracted gout. i hope all is well with you, and that we meet soon.


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