further blogging in arrears: last week e and i had a brilliant meal at boundary (home of albion and hence home of breakfast). started off with a competent dry martini, then some terrines, an finely honed trotter with morels and lentils and a rhubarb souffle. as with little alby upstairs, the decor is exemplary and the service is charming. go while you can still get walk up tables.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Sunday, April 19, 2009
i have been on a lightening trip to oxford to see simon wed daphnie in some style. lots of work to do if this week's exam is to pass off without upset, sadly. over the last week, my culinary ambitions were limited to charcuterie prep for the caleigh which seemed fairly well received. that is all for now.
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
been a while since my last post - just to get you up to speed on recent culinary activity i made a pot au feu to celebrate e's return from paris on saturday. tonight we are going back to buen ayre which i think will be another deeply beefy experience. i am more and more concerned with my progress towards impending exams, but then that is hardly an unfamiliar experience.