like most of london's increasingly ubiquitous gluttony crowd, i have become enamoured of the barbecue trailer under the hungerford bridge - so far i have tried pulled pork, brisket and ribs all of which had an exemplary smokey flavour. coleslaw, beans, rye bread &c are also excellent. for today, i am excited at cooking some more of the excellent baby carrots which have just started at fv. i am seething with anticipation of all things crustacean as i have just booked a summer holiday to maine (aka lobsterville) for august and shall be warming up in a few weeks with a jaunt to st palais sur mer. that is all.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Sunday, June 05, 2011
fun day yesterday - one big treat was playing pingpong with e in bermondsey. i would recommend this website to anyone with bats and a spare half hour. i am excited about cooking linguine with herbs for tea - fernverrow remains a wonder with the current season of berries and herbs just amazing.