went back up to cambridge yesterday, and returned to the promised land of granchester meadows. all jolly nice. given it was rather a hot day, we went on to the st r. for a beer, and i am happy to report that it remains high among pubs in my estimation. then back to london for broad beans, pasta and some natural wine. as promised last week, here are some pics of food.

Sunday, June 27, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
quite a long week this last. zurich on thursday: meetings, schnitzle and luxumbereli form the airport. after the disapointment of the england game, e made a really great dinner on friday. i had a day off on saturday - maltby street, the sampler, haircut and then a little cooking. ribolita with hock, steak with chinon (possibly some pics to follow). back in the office today. that is all.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
maltby street yesterday pretty good: more fresh garlic, first of the borlotti beans and basil. along with some sausages this made a tasty dinner washed down with cotes de baune. i am not quite sure of the reason for my current run of italo-cooking, but it seems right. football was fairly ho-hum truly i hope things get better from here on that front.
Sunday, June 06, 2010
friday night saw a brief, wonderful trip to st john bar, followed by some more dinner and a bottle or arbois at vinoteca. sadly vinoteca was as underwhelming as i remembered, but the wine was jolly nice. tonight e and i followed the crowd to needo grill which is very nice, but sadly doesn't hold a candle to tayyabs. i think the coming week could be a long one - if only this was another long weekend.