hopefully the first of many - sourdough 2010 #1:
Sunday, March 28, 2010
in the end a book and a few jars/pork scratchings won out yesterday - today i will mainly be attempting sourdough.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
as many of my readers will know, i am not someone averse to the occasional vegetable obsession. cauliflower, jerusalem artichokes, radishes, little gems all have known what it is to be flavour of the month. this march it the the turnip which inspires my dearest affection. for lunch today i had a little mixed fry of turnips and morcilla - not at all bad. i am not quite sure what to do this pm - a movie? a pint of mild? a new book? a walk? a half bottle of burg?
Sunday, March 21, 2010
had a fun time shopping and cooking dinner for e last night in putney: scallops with turnip puree, wing rib, first rhubarb with merangue and chantilly washed down with some burgundy. we watched a little telly, including depressing snippets of engand / france. and now, again, i am back in the office contemplating how best to prepare for a busy week.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
last night e and i went to st john bar for pre dinner tapas: cold lamb with chicory/anchovy salad and a little sausage/chickpea/snail stew. then i made a sort of italian braised chuck steak with some roast carrots from fern verrow. find of the day yesterday was some cheap corton at laithwaites/vinoteca.
Sunday, March 07, 2010
cooked quite a nice dinner last night: roast chicken, cauliflower cheese and white bordeaux. e and i then went for a nightcap to the haggerston and verily i was amazed by the bar stock (amber nolly prat, chartreuse &c). perhaps i shall return for an appero at some stage pre mangal.